
Welcome to the Sugar Beet Genome Website

This site is offered by ... the USDA-ARS Sugarbeet Genetics, Genomics, and Germplasm Enhancement Program located at Michigan State University.....

We hope that this resource is useful to anyone doing sugar beet, plant or comparative genomics.

You can use this web site in your research, commercial or otherwise for the betterment of life.

We're happy to announce that our latest Sugar Beet reference sequence is available. This annotated genomic sequence, from EL10, has 9 highly contiguous scaffold assemblies of the 9 sugar beet chromosomes.

Illumina short read, PacBio long read, BioNano optical mapping, and Hi-C formed the raw data input used for this sequence. Assembly was carried out with various algorithms.

From this site you can browse with JBrowse the genome assemblies, transcript assemblies, and annotations as we release them to the public domain.

There's also an instance of BLAST, using SequenceServer, running with databases that include nucleotide, transcripts and proteins of our Sugar Beet assemblies, or with many other similar species. Use the BLASTN, BLASTP, or BLASTX algorithms.